Annarita Borrelli
Poeta, critico d'arte, scrittore
Executive coach
La poesia è un atto ignoto, non si doma per caso.
Se ti fidi di un poeta che sa annusare la vita e il tempo che deve ancora venire, allora puoi salire sulla sua carrozza da coach per apprendere nuove possibilità per il tuo futuro.
The idea of ​​creating an English language version of the Underwater Archeology study book stems from the desire of the two authors to make the message contained in the pages of this book available to an international audience.
Everything moves from the idea that ancient culture and all that it represents always becomes important and fundamental for the creation, by contemporary generations, of a progressive and therefore sustainable ethical and moral social context.
Therefore, it is still and always widespread.
Without taking into account the teachings of the past, it will become difficult to build a future worthy of all that still awaits us.
The words of this book have dedicated to everything that cannot speak, including classical history and the resulting classical culture.
This act of literary generosity certainly arises also from the Mediterranean origins of the two authors, Italians convinced of how much in life it is always necessary to remember the importance of the concept of their own roots.